Unix Admin Compatibility Tool

Current version: 0.9.9 (27 December 2024) [src]

uact, the Unix Admin Compatibility Tool, provides a consistent interface for system administration activities across multiple types of Unix-like operating system, with minimal overhead.

There are no complex dependencies or specific Python versions required. All you need to run uact is a shell and the basic operating system utilities.

The tool simplifies basic package and service management across a heterogeneous estate. It can be used in scripted bulk queries or updates over SSH, interactively via a terminal multiplexer such as tmux(1), or it can be used as an OS-independent layer for a command and control system. More advanced activities are left to the native administrative commands.

Supported operating systems:

Supported tasks include package installation, updating, reinstallation, and removal; and service listing, stopping, starting, restarting, and masking.

An extension mechanism allows new actions to be added where needed. User-defined hooks can also run before and after each action.

This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.

To install uact, follow these steps:

curl -O https://ivarch.com/programs/sources/uact-0.9.9.tar.gz
tar xzf uact-0.9.9.tar.gz
cd uact-0.9.9
sh ./configure
sudo make install

Comments, bug reports, and patches can be sent using the Issue tracker, or through the Contact Form.


This example shows the use of “uact package-upgrade-list” to find out which of the test systems listed in the LAB-VMS file have updates waiting to be applied.

# for remoteHost in $(cat LAB-VMS); do \
    ssh "${remoteHost}" "uact -q package-upgrade-list" \
    > "upgrades-${remoteHost%.*}"; \

# wc -l $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "upgrades-*" -size +0 | sort)
    2 ./upgrades-alma9
    3 ./upgrades-archlinux
    2 ./upgrades-centos7
    2 ./upgrades-debian11
    2 ./upgrades-debian12
   13 ./upgrades-freebsd
  152 ./upgrades-opensuseleap
  237 ./upgrades-rocky8
    4 ./upgrades-ubuntu24
  417 total

Here we see that, for example, the alma9 system has 1 upgrade waiting (the 2 lines of output include one header line); and the rocky8 system has a lot of upgrades waiting.


0.9.9 - 27 December 2024

0.9.0 - 12 October 2024

0.8.1 - 26 September 2024

0.2.0 - 22 September 2024

0.1.0 - 4 May 2024

0.0.1 - 28 April 2024